Key Dates

Application Opens Deadline* (5 PM ET) Review Finalized
December 1 February 1 Early March
March 1  May 1  Early June
June 1 August 1 Early September
September 1 November 1 Early December

Reviewer feedback will be available to applicants one week after the review has been finalized. Applicants will be notified via e-mail once this information is available.  

*If a deadline falls on a weekend or federal holiday, the deadline is moved to the next business day.  



Qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, creed, color, age, gender identity, or national origin.

Education and Experience 

Applicants must have earned a Ph.D., Sc.D., M.D., D.V.M., or academically equivalent research doctorate before beginning tenure. 

 The Fellowships Office makes NRC Research Associateship awards at the postdoctoral and senior researcher levels. 

    • Postdoctoral Associateships: Applicants must have held the doctorate for less than five years as of the application deadline.
    • Senior Associateships: Applicants are required to either have held a doctorate for at least five years by the application deadline or to have a permanent appointment in academia, government, or industry, complemented by research experience that has led to significant contributions and recognition as established investigators in their specific fields. To ascertain if senior applicants are accepted, applicants are advised to review the specifics of the agency to which they are applying. 

Current or Prior Affiliation with the Laboratory 

Individuals with current or recent prior affiliation with the sponsoring agency they wish to apply to may not be eligible.  
Disqualifying current or prior affiliation includes: 

    • Direct employment relationships either with the agency or with a contractor whose work is performed at the agency 
    • Current or previous postdoctoral fellowships sponsored by or conducted at the sponsoring federal agency/laboratory  

Current or prior affiliation that is generally acceptable includes: 

    • Research performed in collaboration with scientists at the sponsoring federal agency/laboratory as a student, postdoc, or faculty member unless the proposed research involves continuation of work with the same Research Adviser or on the same or similar project. 
    • Participation in the NIST Professional Research Experience Program (PREP) unless the proposed research involves continuation of the same project.  

Applicants uncertain of their eligibility should confirm it with the agency they are applying to and the Fellowships Office ( prior to submitting the application.  

Citizenship and Immigration Status 

Citizenship requirements for the NRC Research Associateship Programs vary depending on the sponsoring federal laboratory. Applicants should refer to the citizenship requirements of the agency to which they are applying and to the Visa Options for International Associates (PDF, 156 KB).

Security Review/Security Clearance 

Depending on the agency, an award may be contingent upon the satisfactory completion of a National Agency Check (NAC) or other clearance processes. If the investigation yields unsatisfactory results, it will lead to the withdrawal of the Associateship award offer. 

Laboratories that accept applications from foreign nationals may necessitate a prior U.S. residency of up to three years as part of their clearance processes. Foreign nationals are advised to discuss security requirements with their prospective Research Adviser and/or agency program manager. 

Award Details


NRC Research Associates receive a stipend while carrying out their proposed research. Stipends vary by sponsoring agency and location and can be found by within the details of the Research Opportunity listing 

Awards for applicants to NIST are made directly by NIST, and NRC Research Associates at NIST are hired for two-year term appointments. 


NRC Research Associates are required to be enrolled in a health insurance plan throughout the length of their tenure. A group health insurance program, which provides coverage for major medical expenses, is available to Research Associates and their qualifying dependents in the United States. The cost of this program is shared by the Research Associate and the sponsoring agency.

All exchange visitors and their dependent families are required by the U.S. Department of State to carry health insurance while they are in the United States. 

Relocation Assistance 

Research Associates who reside more than 50 miles and who will be on tenure for at least six months are eligible for paid relocation within the vicinity of their host laboratory. 

Travel Allowance 

Every NRC Research Associate is granted an annual travel allowance to help offset expenses associated with attending conferences, meetings, training events, or conducting field work. The exact allowance varies by sponsoring agency and can be found within the specifics of each Research Opportunity. 

How to Apply

To begin the application process, follow the steps below: 

    1. Review the eligibility criteria to determine your eligibility for an NRC Research Associateship. Some sponsoring agencies may have additional eligibility requirements listed in their Research Opportunities. 
    2. Identify Research Opportunities you wish to pursue. Visit the sponsoring agency pages or use the general search function to find Research Opportunities. Applicants can apply for up to three Research Opportunities; however, only one application per sponsoring federal agency is allowed. 
    3. Contact the proposed Research Adviser(s) listed with the Research Opportunities of interest to discuss potential research projects and funding availability. 
    4. Follow the instructions provided in the Applicant Guide (PDF, 197 KB).  
    5. Once you have completed the steps above, start an application.

Selection Process

Review Panels 

Applications for awards from the NRC Research Associateship Programs (RAP) are reviewed by panels of experts in the following broad discipline areas:  

    • Chemistry 
    • Earth and Atmospheric Sciences 
    • Engineering, Applied Sciences, and Mathematics 
    • Life Sciences 
    • Physics  

The panels are composed of top scientists and engineers across academia, industry, and government. Many RAP reviewers are members of one or more of the National Academies, and newly inducted members of the National Academies are routinely invited to serve as reviewers. Each panel is led by a panel Chair and Co-Chair, who are typically more experienced reviewers that assist with the proper functioning of the review panels. 

Review Process 

Prior to National Academies’ panel review, the applicant's proposed Research Adviser reviews the candidate’s application and provides their scientific evaluation of the project, its relevance to the scientific interests of the sponsoring organization, the availability of support facilities, and an indication of their willingness to serve as a Research Adviser. Approval to review an applicant is then endorsed by the Laboratory Program Representative to affirm support for the project should the applicant be recommended for an award. The approval for review by the NRC Research Associateship Programs panels is not a commitment for funding. 

Each application is read by a minimum of 3 reviewers. Reviewers assess the quality of an application, the likelihood for success, and the contribution of the research to the mission of the sponsoring federal laboratory.  

Postdoctoral applicants are evaluated on the basis of demonstrated ability as a student and on their potential for making contributions as an independent scientist. Senior applicants are evaluated on the basis of proven ability and demonstrated research accomplishments.  

Evaluations are made without regard to age, gender, marital status, national origin, creed, racial group, or ethnic group. 

Application Evaluation 

Each reviewer will assign a numerical score based on a 100-point scale, and the final score is an average of all reviews. All applicants scoring higher than 60 are eligible for an award, but only applicants with a final score of 70 or above will receive a recommendation for award by the review panel. Sponsoring laboratories offer awards to the highest scoring applicants first and continue to make awards until available slots are filled. 

In the review process each applicant is evaluated on the following elements: 

Academic and Research Record

    • Educational background
    • Previous research experience 
    • Publications and presentations 

Letters of Recommendation

Scientific Merit of the Proposed Research

    • Clarity of objectives and methodology
    • Technical/innovative quality of the work plan
    • Feasibility of success in the proposed timeframe
    • Qualifications of the applicant relative to the proposed research 

Host Laboratory/Center Review

    • The Laboratory/Center Review form includes comments from the prospective Adviser and the disposition of the Laboratory/Center's program committee or representative concerning the importance of the proposed research to the mission of the laboratory and capacity of the laboratory to support the research.  

